  1. Just One Man

From the recording In Return

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Just One Man

As the torchlight searches in the darkness, for a glimmer of any hope
So my soul searches every heaven, looking for just one thing.
I’m searching for someone to tell the truth
Just one person is enough for me.
Where in the heavens or on the Earth, can that one person be?

Looking then, I find
Thru history and time
Important women and men.
Leading the cause, running the race
Declaring their vision with an honest face.

But of all the people I have pondered, there is only just one man
And His name is Jesus from Nazareth, Jesus the Son of God.
He came to restore the human race, He saved my soul for all eternity
He spoke the truth for all mankind, the truth that sets us free.
And now as I follow just this man, my life is powerful and filled with grace
Faith and hope and patience, await me as I pray.

As the torchlight searches in the darkness, for a glimmer of any hope
It will come to rest on just one man, Jesus the Son of God.