  1. The Gifts

From the recording In Return

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The Gifts

I know a man who loved the Lord
With all his heart and soul
And when he died he went to dwell
In the mansion of the Lord.
The Lord God showed him all His rooms
One was filled with gifts.
Shiny presents stacked up high,
The man said, “Lord, what is this?”

“These are the gifts you never asked me for
They are the prayers you never prayed.
And that is why they’re still unopened,
They are the gifts I would have gave.”

I know a girl who loved the Lord
With all her heart and soul
And when she died she went to dwell
In the mansion of the Lord.
The Lord God showed her all His rooms
One was filled with gifts.
Shiny presents stacked up high,
The girl said, “Lord, what is this?”

“These are the gifts you never asked me for
They are the prayers you never prayed.
And that is why they’re still unopened,
They are the gifts I would have gave.”

Yes, and when I think about my life,
I live such a different way.
For every time I talk to God
I always hear Him say…

“Here are the gifts that you have asked Me for
I’ve heard the prayers that you have prayed.
And I have more for you to open
Every time you call My name.”